
An introduction to coding and programming - Decisions decisions

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// Project      : Decisions decisions
// Solution     : Entry level coding
// Project type : Console application
// Platform     : Microsoft.NET 6.00
// Created with : Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) Version 17.0.6
// Created      : 03/10/2022
// Created By   :
// Instructions
// Select this project (Decisions decisions) from the dropdown box next to the green arrow
// at the top of Visual studio and then click the green play button to start it.
// To stop the program you can either click the close button on the console window or click the red stop button.
// Description
// C# can make decisions based on the value of something.
// The if statement can evaluate true and false so that the code can do different things depending on a value.
// The if statement can evaluate any logical condition that can be resolved to a true or false boolean value.
// The else statement will be executed when the if condition evaluates to false.


namespace Decisions_decisions
    class Program
        static void Main() // The program starts here. Main is the first method called when you run the program.
            //An if statement evaluates a condition. If the condition is true the code inside will be executed. If it is not true the code will be skipped.

            // This condition will always be true.
            if (true) 
                Console.WriteLine("This statement is true");

            // This condition will evaluate to true because 15 is more than 10.
            if (15 > 10) 
                Console.WriteLine("15 is more than 10");

            // This condition will evaluate to true because 15 is less than 20.
            if (15 < 20) 
                Console.WriteLine("15 is less than 20");

            // This condition will evaluate to false because 6 is less than 7.
            if (6 > 7) 
                // This code will be skipped because the condition is false.
                Console.WriteLine("6 is more than 7");
                // This code will run because the condition is original false.
                Console.WriteLine("6 is not more than 7");

            // Without this line the program will end before you have time to see it.